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Творческая разработка урока в 8 классе Mass Media, Рау И.А.

      Цель: формирование проектной компетенции обучающихся.



  • формирование навыков коммуникативной компетенции в чтении, говоре­нии, аудировании, письме;
  • расширение запаса слов;
  • коррекция фонетических навыков;


  • развитие творческих способностей обучающихся;
  • развитие самостоятельности;
  • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения;




  • повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, умения работать в команде;


  • знакомство с печатными изданиями Великобритании, т.е. развитие соци­окультурной компетенции;


УУД (универсальные учебные действия)


  • определение тематического поля;
  • целеполагание;
  • умение планировать деятельность;
  • умение создать продукт и презентовать его;
  • умение работать с информацией из разных источников;
  • умение рефлексии;
  • умение работать в команде.




Ход урока:


1. Оргмомент

Good afternoon, girls and boys! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please! Today we live in the time of information. Where can we get information? What Mass Media do you know?

2. «Мозговой штурм»: виды СМИ

3.Фонзарядка с одновременным просмотром текста на слайде презентации:
Speak all together after me, please!

Newspaper, paper, tabloid, quality paper, heavy paper, local paper, magazine, fea­ture, brochure, rag, “The Guardian”, “The Financial Times”, foreign correspond­ent, columnist, review, front page, was mentioned, broadsheet, sheet of paper, to be in charge of, to be divided into, an editor, a creative director, a proof reader, a de­signer,, section, low/high opinion.

4.Знакомство с печатными изданиями Великобритании (презентация Power Point)

Look at the presentation and remember which newspapers are printed in GB. You should answer some questions after it:

  • What popular British newspapers do you know?
  • What quality British newspapers can you remember?
  • What types of media are used for broadcasting news?
  • What is the home of British press?
  • Which 2 groups are British papers divided in?
  • What other types of papers were mentioned?

5. Практика чтения (Работа в группах “Matching-exercise)

Match the words with the right description!

Group “PINK” (1-8) & Group “GREEN” (9-16)

1 brochure

a) a newspaper with small pages, short articles and lots of photos;

2 rag

b) a newspaper that is printed on large sheets of paper; is considered to be more serious than other papers;

3 tabloid

c) a magazine or booklet with pictures that gives information about a product or service;

4 broadsheet

d) people refer to a newspaper  as a rag when they have low opinion of it;

5 review

e) one of the parts into which a newspaper is divided

6 front page

f) the title of a newspaper story, printed in large letters at the top of it;

7 section

g) a report in a newspaper or magazine in which someone gives their opinion of a new book, film, concert ect.

8 headline

h) a front page article or picture appears on the front page because it’s very important or inter­esting;


9 article

i) a  correspondent who sends news reports from a foreign country;

10 feature

j) the person who is in charge of a newspaper and who decides what will be published in it;

11 supplement

k) a journalist who is in charge of a particular section of a newspaper;

12 reporter

l) some sensational information catching eve­rybody’s attention;

13 editor

m) someone who writes new articles or re­ports;

14 journalist

n) a prominent or special article or section in a periodical;

15 columnist

o) a piece of writing in a newspaper or maga­zine;

16 foreign correspondent

p) a person whose job is to collect news or other information and write about it or talk about it on TV or radio;

6.  Проверка работы в группах по ключу в презентации: Now take pens or pencils of another color and  check your work, correct if you find mistakes!

7. Создание продукта и  его защита:

 Let’s create our own newspapers. You are divided  into 2 groups. Each group has a sheet of paper, some articles , pictures for making a poster. Decide who will be an editor, a designer, a proof reader, a secretary, a correspondent.  Choose  infor­mation and create a front page of  your own  paper. One of you will be ready to present your work and tell us about  your mass media. Help each other and good luck!


  • an editor –is in charge of a newspaper and decides what will be printed
  • a creative  director – generates smart ideas;
  • a designer – makes the poster look attractive;
  • a proof reader – checks for mistakes;
  • a presenter – presents the poster when it is finished;
  • a secretary – does technical work;
  • a foreign correspondent – collects news from a foreign country;


Предполагаемый рассказ ученика:

Our newspaper is called  “ Tabloid Teen”. It is a tabloid. It is devoted to some events in GB. On the front page you can find information about the Queen, popular singers, sport events ect. The feature is an article about  a popular actor. You can see his photo here. The columnist tells us about teens' problems. There is a humor corner with funny pictures and jokes. Health, education and accidents are mentioned, too. The newspaper pub­lishes a lot of adverts. They advise us to buy computers, mobile phones and so on. In my opinion the tabloid is worth spending time.

8. Рефлексия: заполнение карточек  самооценки достигнутого уровня во всех видах деятельности на уроке (см. Приложение)

Well, we’ve worked hard, done  and learn something useful. I’d like you to do self-assessment. Take these sheets with tables and fill in. Just tick the right place!

9.Домашнее задание: составить мини-словарик  по теме «СМИ»

My “Mass-Media” mini-dictionary

Aa – advertisement

Bb – broadcast, brochure

Cc – CNN, chat room, chat show, creative director

Информационно-образовательные ресурсы